The Central Oregon Flyline
Online Newsletter of the Central Oregon Flyfishers

September 2001

COF Annual Picnic
Aspen Hall
photo by Gordon Chandler

Random Casts
Upstream events
September Program
Meeting Date and Location
Annual Picnic
Conservation Column
Update from Board
K-Mart Special
Internet Stuff
Support Our Local Flyshops
Officers and Board Members
COF Committees

Random Casts

Random Casts. That would be a good way to describe the Outing on the Metolius, or so it seemed. Lots of random casting without much in results, although I did get a few rises to Elk Hair Caddis. Still though, the company and the natural beauty were worth the time spent. Especially when you spend a few hours seeing no one else but your partner and hearing nothing but the sounds of rushing water.

Now, on to other things.

It comes that time of year when the call goes out for volunteers for the Kokanee Karnival streamside classes. I was thinking about that while fishing the Metolius and thought I'd pass this along. Lots of the members that have joined the Club would like to improve their local knowledge, learn more about flyfishing and improve their techniques. The KK provides the opportunity to do all three.

Based on the time I've spent doing the KK I've learned lots more about which flies to choose, how to fish them and just where to look for the fish when I get there. This from setting in on the presentations of The Incredible Journey, The Comforts of Home and Nature's Café. All three parts are very informative, educational and a great improvement over most of the books I've read. The best part is that you are free to stop by and listen in to the presentations and, if you want to, you can even step in and help out. Check elsewhere in this newsletter for more info on the dates, times and locations.

Enjoy the fishing in Central Oregon because we have lots to be thankful for, and to brag about. I recently went over to Montana to present KK info to others and got to spend a little time fishing. What was interesting was the number of locals that said; "If you want to catch the big Browns you'll have to fish at night because that's the only time they feed." When asked about the big ones they said you can get them in the 3 to 5 pound class! Ours must be a different strain of Browns because we can catch much bigger than that and we can do it during daylight hours. Kinda makes one wonder about truth in advertising, doesn't it?

One final thought. There may be a special raffle going on this month and, depending on how it goes, it may become a regular. This will be in addition to the regular raffle so you might want to be there, since that's the only way to find out just what it offers.

See you on the water.
Phil @ COF

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Upstream Events


Thursday, 9/6
COF Board Meeting 7 PM at the Environmental Center in Bend
Friday, 9/14
Metolius BT Redd Survey contact ODFW, Ted Wise 541-388-6363 or Tommie Speik 541-385-0445
Monday - Thursday, 9/10-13
N and Mid Forks Malheur BT Spawning Survey-camping Contact Wayne Bowers 541-573-6582 or Tommie Speik 541-385-0445
Tues., Wed., Thurs., 9/18, 19, 20
KK Streamside Metolius Contact Art McEldowney 541-385-6789 or Tommie Speik 541-385-0445
Wednesday, 9/19
COF Meeting 7 PM at the C O Assoc. Board of Realtors
Monday - Thursday, 9/24-27
N and Mid Forks Malheur BT Spawning Survey-camping Contact Wayne Bowers 541-573-6582 or Tommie Speik 541-385-0445
Tues., Wed., Thurs., 9/25, 26, 27
KK Streamside Browns Creek Contact Art McEldowney 541-385-6789 or Tommie Speik 541-385-0445
Wed., Thurs., 9/19,20
Ochoco Reservoir Gill net sets Contact Brett Hodgson 541-447-5111 or Tommie Speik 541-385-0445
Monday through Friday 9/24-28
S Fork Crooked Population Survey Daily contact ODFW Brett Hodgson 541-447-5111 or Tommie Speik 541-385-0445
Prospective volunteers please note that some of these events overlap the COF Kokanee Karnival and that project still needs volunteers.

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September Program

Sept. 19th 2001 - (3) of our members will give a double program (with help from many others) first up will be Dick Stentz (who with wife Jeanene own the Deschutes River Lodge @ Tethrow Crossing, see who will concentrate on the middle Deschutes including seasons, hatches, access and fish stats. Dick has had many fish days on this section and has had the unique advantage of partnering with many noted anglers who have stayed at their bed & breakfast. Next up will be past presidents: Gordon Chandler and Dave McNall on the annual COF outing to the Kamloops region of British Columbia. We are in the process of planning next years trip and even if you have no intention of visiting the area there will be valuable information on Chironomid presentation. Note; Bob Griffin has had a lot of input for the program and will be on a B.C. reconnaissance mission during the program with a live lake side satellite feed.

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COF Meeting Date and Location

The Central Oregon Flyfishers meet on the third Wednesday of the month at The Central Oregon Association of Realtors, 2112 N.E. 4th Street, Bend,Oregon.

The Monthly gatherings start at 6:30 PM and the program begins at 7:00PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Invite a neighbor or friend to join us at the next meeting.

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COF Annual Picnic

The annual COF Picnic was a great success, as usual, for many reasons. The people that attended really seemed to mingle and try to get to know one another while they were enjoying new and old friends, great food, music and the beautiful summer afternoon and evening. The weather really cooperated. The kids, old and young, had a good time fishing in the pond that was harboring some good size fish.

Jack Bloom and his High Deserters provided the musical entertainment including some old fashioned sing along tunes and participants were in no hurry to leave. Thanks Jack, we loved it.

Bob Griffin and his crew of volunteers did an outstanding job. As usual, everything was planned to the last detail, including low-fat hamburgers and hot dogs and the side dishes were also exceptional. There were too many volunteers to mention by name but they did outstanding work from set-up to clean-up. Thanks Bob, that was a very successful party. We'll try it again next year.

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Officer and Board Nominations for 2002

The COF nominating committee seeks candidates who have an interest in officer and board positions.

Shortly, the nomination process will begin for four club officers, and four board members for next year. Board positions are for a two-year period. Those elected as officers serve a one year period in office, then serve on the board for an additional year. Officer and board members may be re-nominated.

This year, we will fill the positions of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer as well as several open positions on the board. Following the nomination process, the full membership will vote at our regular November meeting. After the election is completed, a special Board meeting will then be scheduled to greet and to provide a general orientation to those persons elected.

Job Descriptions are shown below and interested candidates are invited to contact either: Hank Sailor (318-0046), Bill Lundy (330-6961) or Dan Driskill (388-1572) who will be happy to discuss further details with you.


The president shall be the chief executive officer of The Central Oregon Flyfishers and shall have general supervision over the activities of the corporation, subject to the control of the Board. He/She shall see that all resolutions of the Board are carried out. In general, he/she shall perform all duties incident to the office of president and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him/her by the Board. He/She shall serve as chairman of the Board.


The vice-president shall preside at meetings in the absence of the president and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the president or the Board. In the absence or inability of the president to act, the vice-president shall have all the powers of the president. The vice-president shall be considered as president-elect.


The secretary shall record the proceedings of all meetings of the Board and shall give or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of the Board and regular members. He/She shall have custody of all books, records and papers of The Central Oregon Flyfishers except such as shall be in the custody of some other authorized person. He/She shall also perform such other duties as are assigned to him/her by the president or the board.


The treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all the funds of The Central Oregon Flyfishers, shall keep full and accurate accounts of all the receipts and disbursements, and shall have such other duties as may from time-to-time be assigned to him/her by the president or the Board. He/She shall hand over to his/her successor a complete and accurate financial statement together with all funds, books and records pertaining to his/her office within ten (10) days of the election of his/her successor.


The business and affairs of the Central Oregon Flyfishers shall be managed by a board of not less than nine (9) nor more than thirteen (13) directors, hereinafter called the Board who shall be elected by the membership at their annual meeting. All directors shall be elected for a two year term. Directors shall continue to serve until their successors are elected. The directors' terms shall be staggered. The officers shall be members of the Board. All directors shall be members of The Central Oregon Flyfishers.

Board meetings are currently held on the first Thursday of each month at 7 PM.

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Conservation Column

It is almost the end of Summer but is the beginning of a new school year and time to think about the Kokanee Karnival Youth Education Program. This program teaches 4th and 5th grade students about fish and water rescources in Central Oregon beginning with the Streamside Kokanee Karnival, two 3 day sessions in September-one on the Metolius and the other at Browns Creek. In small groups, students see and learn about the life cycle of Salmonids, their habitat and their place in the food chain.

However this is only part of the Kokanee Karnival. There are three other projects of equal importance: the classroom egg incubator science projects in fall and winter, the Kids Angling Clinic at Shevlin Park in the spring, and their Community Service projects. These are all a very important part of what it means to be a Member of Central Oregon Flyfishers.

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The final COF Outing of the year will be held on Thursday, September 20th at East Lake. This promises to be an interesting, informative, and fun event.

We meet at 9:15 a.m. at the East Lake Resort where owner Gary Hill will be our host, kindly providing meeting and lunch room facilities. At 9:30 we will hear Fred Foisset speak on the "Where's and Why's of fly fishing. Fred is the owner of The Hook Fly Shop in Sunriver and a highly regarded professional guide familiar with all the significant waters in Central Oregon.

Boats will be preferred, although floating devices are also welcome. COF member boats can be launched at the resort, and Gary has boats available for those who wish them. As in the past, a field lunch will be provided, please contact (or leave a message) with Hank Sailor at 318-0046 or if you plan to attend so he can plan for sufficient food.

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Update From The Board

The Board of Directors has been looking at the by-laws, the Club budget and the annual dues, on your behalf, and how to make the Club meet your requests. In doing so several proposals have been made, and there will be more to come.

First, one of the changes in the By-Laws. Under the By-Laws it has been the practice in the past to elect the incoming Board members and Officers in January and place them in office at the same meeting. The problem with that has been the time it takes to bring the newly elected up to date on what and how everything is done. This has been changed, with a minor change in the by-laws, to a November election and a change in Officers in January. This will give the outgoing a chance to spend two months with the incoming to bring them up to date and provide a smooth changeover.

On the Budget, the Board of Directors is looking at developing a Fundraising Committee that will be responsible for all forms of Club fundraising. This will make it easier to coordinate all of the fundraising efforts, raffles, etc., and develop new fundraising efforts to better fund the Club and donate more to the Kokanee Karnival.

Finally, on the Club dues, there has been a change. The annual dues have been increased to $36.00 per year, but there is a discount. Those that pay their dues by December 31st will only have to pay $30.00. After the first of the year new members will have the choice to join paying the full $36.00 or, after April, $4.00 per month for the remainder of the year. The membership year will be the calendar year, not the current carryover for anyone joining after July 1st. The dues increase will help offset the increased cost in mailings, speakers and functions. Also, in accordance with the By-Laws anyone who has not renewed by January 30th will be dropped from the membership roll and will be charged the full $36.00 to "re-join".

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The K-Mart Special

By Gordon Chandler

During the annual COF trip to British Columbia this year we were introduced to a new fly, a fly that became known to us as "The K-Mart". Wayne Wright and Phil Vander Ploeg have been using this fly for a few years now with great success. Wayne is a resident of Logan Lake, a small town southwest of Kamloops, British Columbia. Phil is from the state of Washington and is a "regular" on the lakes of South Central British Columbia.

A few years ago Phil showed up on a lake north of Kamloops. Wayne was there with some friends; it is a lake they fish regularly. Wayne took notice of the fact that the newcomer Phil) was seriously outfishing him and his buddies. When Wayne got a look at the fly Phil was using, he commented that it looked like something you would buy at K-Mart. But when Phil mentioned that he was interested in acquiring some of the superbly tied caddis in Wayne's box, Wayne said that he would only part with them if he could get some "K-marts" from Phil in exchange. Flies were traded and Wayne and Phil have been friends ever since and have fished "K-Marts" on numerous lakes.

To say that this fly is entirely new and unique would be an overstatement. It is in reality a sparsely tied version of a Carey Special.


  • Hook: #6 or #8 streamer hook (3 or 4 extra long)
  • Body: Small diameter olive green chenille (may have silver tinsel center)
  • Collar: Pheasant rump died yellow
  • Tail: Pheasant rump died yellow
Note: The pheasant rump "died yellow" will look more green than yellow, sort of a yellowish green really.

Tying instructions:

  1. Put hook in vise and attach tying thread (I think it is always a good idea to debarb the hook first)
  2. At the rear of the hook tie in a short sparse tail of pheasant rump fibers, perhaps half a dozen fibers that extend even with the bend of the hook.
  3. Tie in the chenille at the rear of the hook and wrap a thin body, stopping short distance behind the eye of the hook. It is important to use small diameter chenille, the body should be thin.
  4. Select a pheasant rump feather with hackle that is the length of the hook shank and tie it in at the head. Make one turn of the pheasant rump feather and tie off.
  5. Whip finish the fly.
Note - It is very important to make only one turn of pheasant. The hackle collar needs to be VERY sparse. You may even need to pull a few fibers out to get the proper look. When Wayne ties the fly he doesn't bother to use conventional hackling technique. He ties in 3 fibers on top of the fly, 3 fibers on the bottom, and one on each side. When you have a brand new finished fly that looks like it has already been chewed by a few fish you have the right look.

You should fish the K-Mart using a sinking line since the fly itself is not weighted.

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Internet Stuff



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Support Our Local Flyshops


  • Deschutes River Outfitters, 61115 S. Hwy 97, 388-8191
  • The Fly Box, 1293 NE 3rd St., 388-3330
  • The Patient Angler, 55 NW Wall St., 389-6208
  • Fly & Field Outfitters, 143 SW Century Dr, Suite A, 318-1616
  • G.I. Joe’s, 63455 N. Hwy 97, 388-3773


  • Camp Sherman Store, Camp Sherman, 595-6711


  • Cent Wise Sporting Goods, 498 SW 6th Street, 548-4422
  • Central Oregon Outdoors, 1502 SW Odem, 504-0372


  • The Fly Fisher’s Place, 151 W. Main, 549-3474


  • The Hook Fly Shop, Sunriver Village Mall, Bldg. 21, 593-2358
  • Sunriver Fly Shop, 56805 Venture Lane, 593-8814


  • Numb-Butt Fly Co., 380 N. Hwy 26, Madras, OR 97741, 325-5515

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2001 COF Officers & Board Members



Board Members


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COF Committees

AMBASSADORS - Doyle Goolsby
AWARDS - Rex Harrison, Don Johnston
BANQUET - Mark Reisinger/Ken Stringer, Tom Philiben/Dennis McMahon
CONSERVATION - Tommie Speik/Bob Speik
ENTOMOLOGY - John Anderson
FLY TYING EXPO - Bill Lundy/Dan Driskill
HISTORIAN - Rex Harrison
INSTRUCTION - Gordon Chandler
LIBRARIAN - Gordon Chandler
OUTINGS - Hank Sailor
PROGRAMS - Dave McNall/Gene McMullen
PUBLIC RELATIONS - Phil Hager/Harry Harbin
RAFFLES - Ken Stringer
WEBSITE - Gordon Chandler
WELCOME - Hank Sailor

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