The Central Oregon Flyline
Online Newsletter of the Central Oregon Flyfishers |
Random Casts Upstream events July Program Meeting Date and Location Paulina Tips and Tricks Outings Deschutes Annual Picnic New Members Retirement Party Radio Tagging Internet Stuff Support Our Local Flyshops Officers and Board Members COF Committees |
Random CastsThe lakes are clearing up some after the usual "turn over" that the algae does with the warming water, lots of hatches have passed with lots more taking place and the results are as wide as there are numbers of people fishing. The fishing is always great, but sometimes the catching can be real slow. We all go fishing for the relaxation, but how would you like to have fun and help out ODF&W at the same time? Ted Wise, at the Bend office, has asked for a favor that costs nothing and can be very helpful. When you've been fishing Ted would like to know where you were and what you caught while there. This would provide them with "Creel counts" for their records, without requiring the time and cost of accomplishing this task. (With all of the State budget cuts this is self explanatory.) As an example, Ted asked for a count on East Lake for the number of Rainbows caught, and the number that had a clipped adipose, for the day of the Club outing. It was a simple phone call and gave them information on the "Cranebows" that have been planted in East Lake. It's easy to do the report. Give Ted a call at 388-6363 and give him the report or leave a voice mail message plus your name and number. If he needs more info he'll call you back. If you aren't going to Canada, and would like to meet some folks from the Santiam Flycasters, mark your calendar for July 19, 20 & 21 for East Lake. That will be their outing for July and gives us a chance to meet folks from another Oregon Club while having fun. It will also give us a chance to thank them for helping out at Wizard Falls on "Free Fishing Day". Since the Canada trip is the official Outing for July, and some of us can't make it, where do you want to do the "local" Outing for July? Send me your suggestions by email ( or call me (317-1075). This month it's scheduled for the 23rd so we can discuss your ideas at the meeting on the 17th. Finally, I'll be hitting some of the higher lakes as the trails open up for travel and plan on giving some quick reports at the regulars meetings for the next few months. If you want to try out some of those lakes let me know and we can plan ahead. See you on the water. Phil @ COF |
Upstream Events
July ProgramLake fishing--how is it done? what lake should I fish? what rod should I use? what line should I use? what flies should I use? what boat should I use?Take the mystery out of lake fishing and get the answers to your questions. We will have a few members who have actually fished a lake. They will try to remember what happened when they fished and pass that information on to the rest of us. We are blessed to have some of the best fishing lakes in the United States within an hour's drive of Bend. Learn more about lake fishing at the July meeting.
Paulina LakeBy Doug ShockleyPaulina lake, in central Oregon, has been my Family favorite for 35 years. It is a very beautiful lake and it has some very large fish in it ; State Record Kokanee and the State Record Brown trout (27lbs)These are some of the INCIDENTS that have occurred during some of my visits;
COF Meeting Date and LocationThe Central Oregon Flyfishers meet on the third Wednesday of the month at The Central Oregon Association of Realtors, 2112 N.E. 4th Street, Bend,Oregon. The Monthly gatherings start at 6:30 PM and the program begins at 7:00PM. Everyone is welcome to attend. Invite a neighbor or friend to join us at the next meeting. |
Tips and TricksHere's a traveling tip from the Santiam Flycasters news letter.The tip in traveling is to be sure that you set up your rod the night before you plan to fish. This is necessary so that you don't start out with the leader and line still in a tight curl. Although it is easy enough to straighten out the leader by dragging it through the fold of your wallet, it is much better to hook your fly in the eye closest to the tip and pull a full rod length of leader and line around the reel. This way you will have three rod lengths of line straight in the morning. If the day or the water are cold those kinks can persist for some time. Identify! Identify! Identify! If you will take a few minutes and place identification on your gear it may save a lot later. So far this summer lot's of lost gear has been found by others, but it can't be returned to the owner because of lack of information. A fly box found on the bank of the river or lake, waders left behind in a parking area or a vest left hanging on a tree are good examples of misplaced equipment. Take the time to write your name and phone number on your "stuff" and it greatly improves the chance of getting it back.
East Lake OutingThe East Lake outing was held on the 22nd of June at East lake resort. It began with a 7:30 breakfast and then all 20 participants headed for the Cinder Hill Campgrounds were Phil Hagar gave information on where to fish and what flies to use.At 1:00 all returned to the campgrounds to report their successes which turn out to be a heated discussion on who caught the most Chubb. Steve Sheldon broke the group into laughter by asking, "what fly are you using to catch them Chubb?" A delightful lunch was consumed under the shade of the pine trees marred only by slightly short hot dog buns and the lack of sufficient mustard. Things started to get nasty when Judy Shasek calmed the group with her ability to squeeze more mustard from previously opened packages and Tom Shuman pulled a package of hot dog buns out of his hat. Thanks to Judy and Tom, you saved the day. Around 2:30 the thunder clouds and the wind became a little alarming for those who use graphite fly rods and don't like getting their hair curled by lightening. Many who attended the outing had never fished East Lake or hadn't fished it in a long time. With the lake so close to Bend it is a great place to catch Browns, Rainbow, Kokanee and of course "Chubb." Those attending the outing were Ed Hawley, Ed and Judy Shasek, Dennis O'Donnell, Earl Rettig, Truman Gantenbein, Larry Haas, Tom Shuman, Frank McKim, Steve Sheldon, Walt Hensey, R.J. Alldritt, John Anderson, Hank Sailor, Steve Williams. Hank Sailor who brought his super clean boat and by super clean I mean that even the two or three dirt spots were clean dirt, and your outing chair-person, Dan Driskill.
Deschutes River Bioengineering Projectby Tom WalkerCentral Oregon Flyfishers members Gene McMullen and Ron Anderson worked like busy beavers assisting Deschutes National Forest Fisheries Biologist Tom Walker collect willow cuttings at Wikiup Reservoir this spring. The cuttings were planted during the final phase of a riverbank restoration project on a short stretch of the Deschutes River below Wikiup Dam. The objectives of the project, known as the Deschutes River Bioengineering Project, were to deepen and narrow the channel and restore vegetation to the riverbanks. As a result of the project, less fine sediment will be washed into the river and more hiding places for trout will exist. ![]() The project began with the placement of whole trees near the toe slope of the eroded riverbanks last October, during the low flow period. Some trees were angled to slow the current, creating slack water areas next to the riverbanks. Additional trees were placed parallel to the flow at the toe slope to provide a foundation for building up the riverbanks. Wraps of organic coconut matting filled with soil were placed on top of these trees. Large chunks of sedge mats were then placed on top of the organic matting resulting in an instant riverbank and small floodplain. The final step this spring was to plant spirea, ponderosa pine, bitterbrush, and willows, some of which were collected by COF volunteers. Henderson Land Services LLC of Lake Oswego was contracted by the Forest Service to design and implement the project. There were several partners involved in this project, in addition to the volunteer help provided by COF. FishAmerica, Deschutes River Conservancy, Deschutes River Mitigation and Enhancement Program, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Deschutes River Stewardship Team all assisted the Deschutes National Forest in funding this project
COF Annual Picnic
For our regularly scheduled 3rd Wednesday night meeting in August (21st) we will meet and PICNIC at Aspen Hall. We will have entertainment, raffle and great food. COF provides all basics including hamburgers, hot dogs, pop plates etc. Please plan to bring a dish ( salad, dessert, chips/dip or a whatever ) to share for 5-6 people. This is a great location to DINE inside or outside - bring your casting gear - fishing for youngsters, a lawn for games. We could use some volunteers to help set up, cook, or tear down - please call John Burns 388-9227 or Bob Griffin 389-2070.
Retirement Party![]() Wayne Bowers, the biologist for the Malheur Watershed District of the ODFW and Patty Bowers, STEP Biologist gave a retirement party in the Steens at Frenchglen OR on June 29th. Their friends came from all over the northwest to celebrate with them. Judy and Peter, a biologist with the Canadian Salmon Enhancement program even came from as far away as Canada! The group of about 150 people honoring the Bowers were represented by various individuals and most of their names may be unfamiliar. However, Dave Dornan of the Bend office of the ODFW was there as was Ray Perkins of the Hines office; Alan Mauer was there from the Fish and Wildlife Service here in Bend. Patty's Mom and uncle were there and project volunteers and friends from the Sunriver Anglers were there in force. The friends and project volunteers from the Central Oregon Flyfishers who celebrated with Wayne and Patty were Jeff and Terri Grimm, Phil Hager, Gene McMullen, Frank and Nancy McKim, and Bob and Tommie Speik. Patty and Wayne have not made any specific plans for the future but will probably be showing up as volunteers on projects as well as continuing to teach others. Hopefully they will find the time to do and enjoy all of the other things that they may have wanted to do. |
Radio Tagging RedbandsThe ODFW had about 20 transmitters, left over after the Deep Creek Project, that had to be used this season because of their battery life. For this reason, Brett Hodgson, ODFW Biologist in Prineville, decided to try to use them on fish in the lower Crooked below Bowman Dam. This section of the Crooked River just above and below Prineville is blocked in many areas by concrete irrigation diversion dams with footing bases that appear to be very unfriendly for fish passage. Transmitters on fish in this section would determine whether redband trout are moving by these structures. Phil Hager, Frank McKim, Gene McMullen and Ron Anderson of COF and Brett Hodgson and Steve Marx of ODFW were involved with an attempt to catch some specimens of sufficient size for successful tagging.Our first location proved to be poor for trout, at least on this day. A move upstream about a mile on to private property was more successful and allowed us a look at one of the irrigation dams thought to block migration. Several trout were caught in this section that were of sufficient size to implant transmitters safely. Transmitters are placed inside the fish and it takes a while for the fish to regain normal movement after the procedure but all of the fish we did this day recovered to good physical shape and swam away vigorously. A move further upstream to a section with very nice riparian vegetation and several good riffles proved to provide all the fish needed. Ron Anderson found the honey hole and took trout after trout using a bead head hare's ear, several in the 16" category. GPS coordinates were logged where each fish was tagged and released and each fishes radio wave length was recorded. The ODFW will monitor these radio signals to determine if and to what location these fish migrate. |
Internet StuffSome interesting links
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