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Central Oregon Flyfishers

Upcoming events

    • 05 Apr 2025
    • 17:30
    • Bend Golf Club
    • 56

    Central Oregon Flyfishers

    Annual Banquet & Fundraiser

    Saturday, 5 April 2025

    5:30 PM

    Bend Golf Club

    61045 Country Club Drive, Bend OR


    Your choice of:

    Entrée: Your choice of:

    • New York steak
    • Chicken Marsala
    • Vegetarian pasta

    All entrees served with salad, rolls with butter, seasonal vegetables, coffee and tea.  Dessert is a chocolate mousse tart with fresh berries. There will be a no host bar with a large selection of brands available.

    All food and alcoholic beverages consumed on the Bend Golf Club (BGC) property must be purchased through BGC. We may NOT bring our own wine.

    Cost is $49 per person. Deadline to register is March 31.

    Purchase raffle tickets in advance when you register or in-person at the event.  Raffle tickets are 6 tickets for $5 and are sold in $5 increments only.

    See Flyer for details.

    • 12 Apr 2025
    • 10:00 - 12:00
    • Big Bend Campground

    Central Oregon Flyfishers

    Volunteers needed for Crooked River Cleanup

    Saturday, 12 April 2025

    Meet at 10:00 am in the Big Bend Campground


    BBQ lunch of hot dogs and hamburgers provided by COF following the cleanup.  The cleanup takes about two hours so you will have plenty of time to fish the afternoon.

    Walking distance per section is about two miles so bring your work gloves, walking shoes and drinking water.  More details in the March COF newsletter.

    Please register by Friday, April 4th so that enough food will be purchased for lunch and I check-out enough cleanup supplies from the Oregon Department of Transportation.

    See you there!

    Peter Martin

CANCELLATION POLICY:  If you wish to cancel your registration, please do so on the website, or contact us a minimum of three days prior to the class and your money will be refunded.  Otherwise,  all registrations after the minimum cancellation of 3 days prior to class will require payment whether attended or not.

PAYMENT for Classes And Events:  Fees for all Education classes, seminars and events must be paid by the COF monthly meeting prior to the scheduled event.  Payments not received and processed by the prior COF monthly meeting will mean forfeiture of your reservation, and the slot will open up to those next in line on the wait list. Options for paying include paying on the website, paying at the monthly meeting, or mailing a check, made payable to COF, to PO Box 1126, Bend OR 97709.

COF Refund Policy:  If you cancel an event and wish to receive a refund, please request it from the Treasurer.  If you do not want a refund, your payment can be applied to a future event.

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